Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Art Walk, the first...

My first show, and it's dead enough (no one in the two hours we've been set up) that I could borrow the hubby's laptop to write this post.

Some major strikes against tonight. 1) It's the first hard freeze of the winter. 2) The cafe didn't make it into the Art Walk flyer. 3) It's the first hard freeze of the winter.... LOL

I'm going to take this as a "dry-run" for next month's show. I have a pretty good (if ultra basic) set up(I'll have pictures soon)and an idea of how I'll add an extra table next month for the Valentine themed glycerin soaps.

It also doesn't hurt that our sponsors are very cool folks! (If anyone in Jacksonville, FL reads this.... you need to check out Cafe 331 at 331 W Forsythe...Art Walk or not. *grin*) I think I'm going to have Carl score us some dinner while I man the table...

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