Sunday, September 21, 2008


The dragon is scented with English Rose, the body of the bar is Dragon's Blood (what else)?

I want to do at least one more batch of these, but I'm torn on combo. I'll be going with either green dragons (in Moroccan Mint) on dark chocolate backgrounds (scented to match) or white dragons (in Jasmine Dreams) on bronze background (in Nag Champa.)

Of course, since I have more base on the way, I might do both... but I want to make sure I have homes for them first.

I need to go through my molds sometime soon and start figuring colors and scents.


Yep, got some more martians done too. This time, colored with green ultramarine/super pearly white mica and scented with Grass Stain (yes, it smells just like a freshly mowed lawn. YUM!)


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, those dragons are TOO AWESOME. If I wasn't still working through the last batch I bought, I'd snap up a bundle of those right now!

Eventually, however, I'm going to want some of those, just as they are. Red and black ftw. ;)

Although a light purple and black would be pretty cool, too.

SingingWolf said...

Krystalle - You know, it could be possible that I had someone in mind for one of these babies... because, you know, a certain someone is opening their house to a grumpy old man and a crazy chick who is going through nicotine withdrawl for a week next month. :-D

And yes, purple and black can be managed too.

Anonymous said...

Actually, sadly, I'll be at Blizzcon during most of your stay. I've been locked into that for months now. :( I'm leaving the morning of the 9th and won't be back until the evening of the 12th. Not sure what other dates overlap in there; Critus wasn't clear on that.

SingingWolf said...

C's going to be at Necro during that same time span... Will make ourselves scarce for your return home. ;-)(Good time to visit Justin and Stacey, methinks)

Were planning on heading back home on the 17th.

Shala Kerrigan said...

Very pretty!!! Rose scent and dragons sound so nice!

Little Shadow Creations said...

~The chocolate mint combo sounds yummy!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your nice comment on my blog! If you spring for the Alien mold, I'll send you some of my glow powder! I'm going to be making little glow powder soap chips and sell them in my Etsy shop, but I'd be happy to send you one for free. Write me at and tell me if you'd like yellow or purple. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Your soapy martians look perfect! Great technique with the clear windows. =)